The Collider office is buzzing this morning as we prepare for the
ad:tech London Conference happening today and tomorrow in the heart of the city. Europe’s most innovative brands, media owners, agencies and tech providers will be attending- and we’re bringing the best of the UK’s Madtech start-up talent.
We’ve got a couple of exciting opportunities to share about this afternoon as well. 24 of the UK’s finest start-ups will have the opportunity to meet 70+ professionals from Unilever in a speed dating session. This event is 3X as large as any of our previous speed dating sessions and we’re excited to see what sorts of innovative collisions will happen this afternoon.
Secondly, we are hosting The Next Big Thing final pitching event in conjunction with Unilever and tech2brand. 8 start-ups, 4 senior corporate judges, 3 minute pitches, 2 minute Q&A, and 1 final winner. Follow the progress of the event on Twitter at #adtech_London.
Stay connected to our social media for updates throughout the day and we will be back tomorrow with the exciting results!