
Seenit named the 'Hottest startup in London'

Tuesday evening the 3rd of February, as everyone headed home, and as Londoners do, they picked up the Evening Standard. Flipping through they would have passed by the regular advertisements, headlines and something covering our alumnus Seenit being acclaimed as the 'hottest startup in London'! The NextTechNow is an initiative presented by Starcom MediaVest Group aimed to create and prolong partnerships with startups working in the mobile, social and data areas. This initiative connects startups ready to take things to the next level by working closely with Starcom MediaVest Group employees to increase innovation in the Madtech industry. Something we believe wholeheartedly in here at Collider!

We caught up with Emily to see what she had to add to their press coverage:

"We're ecstatic to be featured, as such a young company. It's great validation for not only our team but hopefully our clients. It's opened more doors to brands and already kicked off some fantastic new leads."

Congrats again Seenit team - Ed, Emily and Max! We can't wait to see what's next to come!

startup in london

Competitions Can Help You Grow

WhichSocial, the software which allows you to measure and improve ROI from social media marketing, have a wide range of customers.  Their clients have a broad spectrum of social media activity, ranging from large brands with 75,000 Facebook followers, to small boutiques with a more select following.

One of their more exclusive customers, Me+Em, have been using WhichSocial to measure their competitions on Facebook.


Let's take a look at a recent competition they ran on Facebook called 'Share to Wear'. It encouraged users who have already liked the page to join in, creating a community, and by sharing the page allows potential clients to see the shop too. Using WhichSocial, Me+Em can also track how many clicks to the site this competition generated, which products were sold from these clicks, and which shared post generated the most interest.

Armed with this information, Me+Em have learnt enough to judge how, where, and when to run future competitions. They have data they need, but more importantly, they know exactly what to do with this data.


After they spoke at The Big Data Show, WhichSocial have been going from strength to strength, and are currently in conversation with even more brands. Keep checking the blog to see what they are up to!