Investor Breakfast at Warner Yard

We recently held an Investor Breakfast at Warner Yard, where startups and investor chatted informally while sipping coffee and snacking on bacon sarnies. We were pleased to be able to introduce Beem and Miappi to Russell Buckley from Ball Park Ventures/ UKTI, Federico Pirzio-Biroli from Playfaircapital and Pamir Gelenbe from Hummingbird Ventures. The investors got to try out the technology for themselves, ask the founders any questions, and offer hard-earned advice. 2 One particular theme which came up a few times was the question regarding whether your startup is a vitamin or a painkiller. There has been quite a few articles written around this subject (you can find one here) but it's also good to question your own startup. Are you solving a real problem to a large pain (a painkiller), or are you simply providing a short-term solution (a vitamin)? 1

We love holding events where we can introduce our tech startups to our wide network of investors. If you want to become a Collider startup and join our accelerator, apply here.