Productive *Collaboration*
The UK is the leader in creative industries: branding, creativity and marketing – that's why Collider12 is backing startups in this sector with investment, skills and brands.
Collider12 will focus on creative technology that helps brands - 'B2Brand' technology - tech that will help big brands with market engagement and ultimately help them sell more product. Collider12 is a year long programme and it will allow startups to develop a sustainable and attractive product for their customers. It's the connections with brands that will make Collider12 different. The ultimate customer of the creative technologies being built are the big brands. During the 'Collision Phase' of Collider12 the brands will engage with the startups during the product validation phase and help accelerate customer wins.
The mentoring offered will be from investors and entrepreneurs who have track records of success in the sector. The mentorship will be in execution of the business, not just by giving connections and access to capital but by giving the rigour, confidence and discipline required to make things happen. Most startups do not fail because they have a bad idea - many do have brilliant ideas - startups fail because they fail to execute. Collider12 helps with this execution by offering a year long programme rather than the traditional 3 months and gives mentoring from people who have built their own businesses, raised money, acquired and sold businesses and helped 100’s of companies do the same!
Collider12 Launches
Creative England and Ingenious invest in new “Collider” scheme to help early-stage businesses work with larger corporates to develop new products and services
Creative England, Ingenious Media and Pembridge announce the launch today of Collider12, an accelerator programme to support early stage businesses that are developing technologies and products to help brands engage with their consumers.
Creative England is backing the programme with £500k in loan capital secured from the Regional Growth Fund. The businesses will match this with £500k of equity investment raised from private sources. Pembridge will provide coaching and mentoring support to those accepted onto the programme. Pembridge and Ingenious are both investors in the programme.
MICHAEL FALLON, Business and Enterprise Minister said: “The Regional Growth Fund is playing a pivotal role in supporting programmes such as Collider12 to give small business the chance to exploit new opportunities in the creative and technology sectors. This will help business link with experienced leaders to help them grow, create jobs and unlock private sector investment for the UK economy."
JIM FARMERY, Creative England’s Director of Business Development said: “Collider12 has the potential to tick very important boxes for Creative England as it could open doors for new partnerships, products and ideas. For the corporates, the injection of new blood and new ideas can reap many advantages, whilst new businesses could also benefit massively from both access to key companies and mentoring from highly-experienced business leaders”.
PATRCK BRADLEY, CEO Ingenious Ventures said: “As a leading venture capital investor in the media space we know how difficult it is for companies starting out to attract capital and establish communication with major brands. We therefore fully support this programme, which offers mentoring support, capital and brand interaction to young companies. We look forward to meeting and working with these exciting new businesses.”
The Collider12 programme is open to applications from creative and technology companies based in England and is made possible through Regional Growth Fund (RGF) money secured by Creative England from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The aim is to take 10 early stage companies through an intense programme working with brands, coaches and mentors so they can create financial returns and jobs and contribute to sustainable growth for the UK economy. The 10 high profile brands which will also be committing to support the Collider12 programme with unique access for businesses to help shape their product development will be announced in November 2012.
The big idea behind Collider12 is an opportunity for both parties (the established corporate and the early stage business) to minimise time wasting, offering all parties immediate access to a very focused entrepreneurial environment.
Taylor Wessing LLP, Kingston Smith LLP and Jargon PR are advisers to the project and will be participating as mentors in law, finance and marketing during the Collider12 Programme.
To apply, businesses should visit and fill in an application between 11th October and 2nd November. Offers will be made to successful applicants by 14th November with the programme beginning on 7th January 2013 with the ‘Collision Phase’.
During the ‘Collision Phase’ the 10 early stage businesses will be ‘collided’ with the brands and intensively coached through a 13-week phase from being accepted and receiving loan capital from Creative England, plus external investment, through to the ‘Execution Phase’, the delivery on a robust plan and approach from week 14 onwards in order that they meet their goals.
The Regional Growth Fund (RGF) is a £2.4bn fund operating across England from 2011 to 2015. It supports projects and programmes that lever private sector investment to create economic growth and sustainable employment. Please see for more information.
Press contact:
Paul Smith, Head of Communications, Creative England, 07554 423265,
About Creative England
Creative England is a national agency that invests in and supports creative ideas, talent and businesses in film, TV, games and digital media. We aim to grow the brightest, the best, and those with the most promise so that individuals and businesses can achieve their full creative and commercial potential. We help identify future opportunities to grow the economy and generate jobs.
With offices in Salford, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Nottingham and Elstree, we are a national agency with strong local and regional links.
About Ingenious:
Ingenious Ventures provides investment capital to successful, growing media and entertainment companies that are looking to raise expansion capital or are the subject of a management buy-out or buy-in. Ingenious have invested in companies specialising in music, marketing, television, games and live events.
Ingenious Ventures provides funding across the media and creative industries sector, partnering experienced entrepreneurial management in the strategic development of their companies. Ingenious seek to work with the highest quality management teams, who have a demonstrable track record of commercial success.
About Pembridge:
The Pembridge Partnership is a team of experienced entrepreneurs and investors that help businesses start, grow and exit to ultimately realise value for stakeholders.
Pembridge applies their expertise and market insights across the digital, creative, technology and other emerging sectors providing a range of thought leading services for businesses at all stages including; sustainability, growth strategies and preparing for external finance through to final exit.
Pembridge has a proven track record of building value and closing successful transactions for the businesses with whom they have worked. They also have in-depth sector-specific knowledge from their perspective as investors and real-world entrepreneurs.
About Taylor Wessing:
Taylor Wessing is a leading International law firm with a single-minded approach: to help its clients succeed by thinking innovatively about their business issues. The Firm numbers around 900 lawyers working across 22 offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, offering an integrated service across the full range of practice areas, with a firmwide focus on forward thinking companies.
About Kingston Smith:
Kingston Smith LLP is a top 20 UK accountancy firm. With 64 partners spanning six offices across London and the South East, and a dedicated technology and media group, we support companies throughout their lifecycle, from start-up through to listed businesses. Kingston Smith is the leading firm in KS International, with offices in over 70 countries.
About: Jargon PR
Founded in 2008 by Simon Corbett, Jargon PR helps technology companies differentiate themselves from their competitors by providing impactful, strategic communications council. Jargon PR places clients at the forefront of the media, raising awareness, communicating key corporate messages and generating interest in our client’s products and services to drive sales.
YouTube Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pellentesque ornare metus nec scelerisque. Proin convallis vehicula arcu id scelerisque. Aenean at velit at purus gravida auctor. Nulla non neque odio. Nam pulvinar dui quis leo suscipit elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit. Fusce egestas enim nec nulla aliquam ut sodales neque cursus. Integer eleifend, enim id ultrices consequat, libero arcu posuere ante, ac commodo nisi neque in justo. Integer sed lectus vitae nibh facilisis euismod. Aliquam elit dui, molestie id laoreet ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Morbi sapien sem, vestibulum in iaculis sed, semper vel risus. Praesent augue tellus, iaculis et semper id, pellentesque nec diam. Cras malesuada, dolor at blandit dignissim, ligula lectus tincidunt tellus, lobortis dignissim metus libero quis lorem. Morbi fringilla turpis id odio interdum eu volutpat orci dignissim. In euismod dui eu massa tincidunt ut porta neque gravida. Praesent vel dui nulla. Suspendisse ultricies vulputate urna, a consectetur mi laoreet in. Curabitur placerat pulvinar eros scelerisque condimentum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit.
Fusce egestas enim nec nulla aliquam ut sodales neque cursus. Integer eleifend, enim id ultrices consequat, libero arcu posuere ante, ac commodo nisi neque in justo. Integer sed lectus vitae nibh facilisis euismod. Aliquam elit dui, molestie id laoreet ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Morbi sapien sem, vestibulum in iaculis sed, semper vel risus. Praesent augue tellus, iaculis et semper id, pellentesque nec diam. Cras malesuada, dolor at blandit dignissim, ligula lectus tincidunt tellus, lobortis dignissim metus libero quis lorem. Morbi fringilla turpis id odio interdum eu volutpat orci dignissim. In euismod dui eu massa tincidunt ut porta neque gravida. Praesent vel dui nulla. Suspendisse ultricies vulputate urna, a consectetur mi laoreet in. Curabitur placerat pulvinar eros scelerisque condimentum. Fusce egestas enim nec nulla aliquam ut sodales neque cursus. Integer eleifend, enim id ultrices consequat, libero arcu posuere ante, ac commodo nisi neque in justo. Integer sed lectus vitae nibh facilisis euismod. Aliquam elit dui, molestie id laoreet ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Morbi sapien sem, vestibulum in iaculis sed, semper vel risus. Praesent augue tellus, iaculis et semper id, pellentesque nec diam. Cras malesuada, dolor at blandit dignissim, ligula lectus tincidunt tellus, lobortis dignissim metus libero quis lorem. Morbi fringilla turpis id odio interdum eu volutpat orci dignissim. In euismod dui eu massa tincidunt ut porta neque gravida. Praesent vel dui nulla. Suspendisse ultricies vulputate urna, a consectetur mi laoreet in. Curabitur placerat pulvinar eros scelerisque condimentum.
Vimeo Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere mattis ligula id consectetur. Nullam pellentesque blandit dolor, eleifend rhoncus magna rutrum sed. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean sit amet tincidunt elit. Etiam pellentesque, dui eu tincidunt egestas, metus felis accumsan urna, quis sodales risus risus id urna. Integer sit amet orci tellus, et cursus nibh. Ut hendrerit fermentum est, sed dignissim urna aliquet ut. Etiam elementum tortor sed nisl laoreet ut pellentesque urna pharetra. Cras consectetur auctor nisi. Nulla ultrices, mi ut placerat rhoncus, dui lacus scelerisque tortor, nec euismod orci dolor quis arcu. In nunc eros, euismod id vulputate id, placerat id dui. Curabitur sed nulla ornare nisl fermentum semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut elit id urna dictum fermentum. Proin lobortis arcu a purus molestie vel facilisis massa tristique. Etiam mattis, purus ac mattis ultricies, sapien urna luctus sem, eu pretium risus nisi at dui. Pellentesque congue eros tellus. Phasellus a tincidunt orci. Donec mattis mi eu elit ultrices porta. Duis purus libero, euismod eu tempor sit amet, pulvinar id purus. Quisque interdum, massa eu pulvinar eleifend, sem urna posuere elit, sit amet consequat lectus eros quis sapien. Sed et eros vel sem viverra elementum a rutrum odio. Duis eros lectus, iaculis et semper at, condimentum nec nulla. Nulla at arcu commodo mauris vulputate cursus. Morbi sed nunc sapien. Duis venenatis massa non lacus placerat nec sollicitudin nisi dignissim. Aliquam at velit eu est pulvinar semper a sit amet magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pellentesque ornare metus nec scelerisque. Proin convallis vehicula arcu id scelerisque. Aenean at velit at purus gravida auctor. Nulla non neque odio. Nam pulvinar dui quis leo suscipit elementum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla velit metus, ornare vitae malesuada in, fermentum ac turpis. Vestibulum convallis pulvinar tellus eget ultricies. Sed sollicitudin, sem vitae elementum euismod, velit arcu mattis diam, in scelerisque purus lorem eget elit. Sed vitae nunc in metus semper hendrerit. Curabitur metus felis, interdum quis sodales at, aliquam eu eros. Proin ac lacus urna, vel pulvinar ante. Integer posuere, sapien ut iaculis molestie, justo quam ultrices orci, eu laoreet nisl libero vel elit.
Fusce egestas enim nec nulla aliquam ut sodales neque cursus. Integer eleifend, enim id ultrices consequat, libero arcu posuere ante, ac commodo nisi neque in justo. Integer sed lectus vitae nibh facilisis euismod. Aliquam elit dui, molestie id laoreet ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Morbi sapien sem, vestibulum in iaculis sed, semper vel risus. Praesent augue tellus, iaculis et semper id, pellentesque nec diam. Cras malesuada, dolor at blandit dignissim, ligula lectus tincidunt tellus, lobortis dignissim metus libero quis lorem. Morbi fringilla turpis id odio interdum eu volutpat orci dignissim. In euismod dui eu massa tincidunt ut porta neque gravida. Praesent vel dui nulla. Suspendisse ultricies vulputate urna, a consectetur mi laoreet in. Curabitur placerat pulvinar eros scelerisque condimentum. Fusce egestas enim nec nulla aliquam ut sodales neque cursus. Integer eleifend, enim id ultrices consequat, libero arcu posuere ante, ac commodo nisi neque in justo. Integer sed lectus vitae nibh facilisis euismod. Aliquam elit dui, molestie id laoreet ac, sollicitudin vitae velit. Morbi sapien sem, vestibulum in iaculis sed, semper vel risus. Praesent augue tellus, iaculis et semper id, pellentesque nec diam. Cras malesuada, dolor at blandit dignissim, ligula lectus tincidunt tellus, lobortis dignissim metus libero quis lorem. Morbi fringilla turpis id odio interdum eu volutpat orci dignissim. In euismod dui eu massa tincidunt ut porta neque gravida. Praesent vel dui nulla. Suspendisse ultricies vulputate urna, a consectetur mi laoreet in. Curabitur placerat pulvinar eros scelerisque condimentum.